Branson Ultrasound | Branch of Emerson Technologies GmbH & Co. OHG

In-house training in the field of plastic welding

"Due to the long-standing and good cooperation with the Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig (KUZ) in the field of plastic welding, it was obvious to also request the KUZ as a further training partner for our workforce. It was important for us not to get a seminar offer "off the peg", but an individual training directly tailored to our needs on site.

The aim of the training was to refresh and deepen the knowledge of the properties of the plastics and their processing possibilities among our teams in the technical center and in customer service.

The length and content of the seminar were agreed in advance directly with the KUZ instructor and tailored specifically to our wishes. The flexible time allocation, a total of six hours spread over two days, made it possible to hold the seminar on one afternoon and one morning. The seminar took place directly at our location in Dietzenbach. This reduced the absences of the 10 participants to a minimum and avoided long travel times.

We are very satisfied with the course and the content of the in-house training. The speaker was very well prepared and was able to answer the many questions of the participants in an expert manner. The seminar documents are very detailed and help us to apply the acquired knowledge in our daily work. The competence of our trained team was expanded by the aspect of the different welding behavior of different plastic types, especially with regard to troubleshooting and error prevention in the welding process.

In the future, it is planned to repeat this seminar for new employees, as well as to deepen the knowledge in special subject areas."

More info about in-house training


Iljana Eckardt
+49 341 4941-515

Matching further training