Sustainable research


The sustainable use of plastics is occupying society, business and politics as rarely before. The plastics industry is experiencing a real paradigm shift: awareness of sustainability has increased, as has the demand for resource-saving alternatives and technologies.

The KUZ is taking this as an opportunity to holistically optimize manufacturing processes and products in plastics processing with regard to their sustainability. In addition to energy efficiency, industrial resource conservation, lightweight construction and miniaturization, circular economy and renewable as well as alternative raw materials are important topics.

With research and industry partners, the KUZ also pursues long-term competence development and orientation for strengthening the plastics industry in order to show sustainable paths in the long term.

Acting sustainably together

Sustainable corporate culture

Economically, ecologically and socially oriented actions are the cornerstones of KUZ's sustainable corporate culture.

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Green Plants

Research with social responsibility

Sustainability is seen as an opportunity to integrate socially relevant topics into research processes at an early stage in order to be able to develop forward-looking solutions.

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Schulklassen beim RecyclingDay am Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig


Promoting young talent in Saxony

For a change toward a sustainable world, we need qualified young people to find solutions to complex problems such as climate change and the energy transition. Our "RecyclingDay" program for young people provides an insight into the topic of recycling, among other things.

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I help you!

Johannes Tietze

Life cycle assessment