Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig

Your developmentpartner in plastics technology

The Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH (KUZ) sees itself as a modern research institute that acts sustainably with a view to the future. With our know-how and diverse expertise, we conduct targeted trend and innovation research to serve current industry requirements.

Our research focuses on lightweight construction, functionalization, miniaturization as well as technology and innovation research for plastics technology solutions. The focus is on optimizing processes and products in terms of their resource and energy efficiency, which are important for long-term sustainable research. Research activities in the field of plastics industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and applied digitalization have recently been added. The KUZ is active in various networks and research associations in order to promote and exploit the synergy potential of nationwide professional networking.

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KUZ News and latest information

27. November 2024

Plastics meets medical technology - innovations at the interface of materials and medicine

From January 29 to 30, 2025, the "Plastics Meets Medical Technology" conference in Leipzig will offer a unique platform for experts from the plastics and medical technology industries. This established event promotes interdisciplinary exchange and focuses on the latest developments, materials and technologies that pave the way for medical innovations.

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11. July 2024

From the idea to the perfect product

The KUZ will be showcasing innovative and tailor-made solutions for the plastics industry at its booth B3-3006.

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18. June 2024

KUZ is a partner in the new ZIM innovation network SFK

The new ZIM innovation network StreckFaserKunststoff (SFK) held its kick-off meeting at the KUZ on June 18. After the welcome and introduction of the network partners, there was a short program with presentations. After the joint lunch and networking break, the program included an exciting tour of the KUZ's technical facilities.

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Our services

Support association – Shareholder of the KUZ

The support association for the Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig e. V. was founded in 1991 and is the sole shareholder of Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH. The purpose of the support association is to promote science and research at the KUZ as a non-profit institute of plastics technology.


Current trainings