That's us

What we offer

Successful gender and cultural equality has a positive impact on the quality of research. Innovations benefit from cross-functional competencies. Here, we include all potentials of research talents on an equal footing. The Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH is therefore particularly committed to gender and cultural equality.

Read more: Equality Plan (German version)

  • Compatibility of family and career

    Family burdens have no influence on development opportunities or job appointments. On the contrary, the KUZ encourages employees with children by offering "family time": the reduction of weekly working hours with full wage compensation depending on the number of children.

    We are proud of this:
    Family Friendliness Award of the City of Leipzig 2021

  • Equal payment

    The salary of KUZ employees is subject to collective bargaining agreements. The classification is based on activity and is, of course, independent of gender and origin.

  • Transparency in the filling of positions

    All positions are advertised and filled regardless of gender and origin. If the applicant situation permits, preference is given to the underrepresented gender in each case.


I help you!

Martina Kokonowski

Management assistance