Tempering – but the right way!

This seminar will familiarize you with the influencing factors and their effect on the temperature control of injection moulds. In the two practical workshops, you will learn more about determining thermal equilibrium, the effects of temperature and flow fluctuations on the molded part and the dependence of the mold surface temperature on the flow conditions.

Further information on the agenda, travel and parking can be found in the top right-hand corner of our download box.

Seminar details:

Who and what?


Setters, production managers, application engineers and production-related employees with QA responsibility from plastics processing companies

Level: Einsteiger
Speakers: Employees of Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH and HB-THERM GmbH
Degree: Teilnahmebescheinigung
Price: 790 € (exkl. MwSt.)

Seminar topics

  • Effect of mold temperature on part quality
  • Basics of temperature control technology
  • Process and operating parameters
  • Optimization of use
  • Workshops on the injection molding machine and factory simulator


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Available seats

  • Sufficient

  • Few

  • None

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I help you!

Iljana Eckardt

Head of Continuing Education