pro-O-light - 3D-HRD

Printable composite materials and glass hollow sphere-filled plastics

The aim of the 3D-HRD joint project is to develop a novel high-speed printing process for the rapid as well as cost-effective additive manufacturing of prostheses with thin-walled, cone-like geometries.

The KUZ subproject involves the development of 3D printable composites made of polyolefins (PO) and hollow glass spheres (HGK). The defined and non-destructive insertion of hollow glass spheres into the plastic should result in a targeted influence on the material stiffness as well as a reduction in density and thus weight.

Duration: 05/2018 - 10/2020


Christoph Thieroff
+49 341 4941-608

Funded by: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (AiF)
FKZ: 16KN067330