Systematic injection molding

An introductory course for anyone wishing to learn a systematic and standardized approach to injection molding production. The course provides a basic understanding of how to set up a machine-independent process and is underpinned by practical demonstrations.

For more information on the agenda, how to get there, parking options and a look at the script, please see our download box on the top right.

Seminar details:

Who and what?


Employees in the areas of production management, process technology and setting up injection molding machines

Level: Advanced
Speakers: Employees of the Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH and the RJG Germany GmbH, Karlstein
Degree: Certificate of attendance
Price: 1.300 € (exkl. MwSt.)

Please bring your own protective work shoes for the demonstration in the technical center.

Seminar topics

  • Plastics science
  • Machine and mold technology
  • Injection molding process
  • Decoupled Molding©
  • Process variations
  • Process monitoring
  • Process correction
  • practical exercises on the machine
  • written exam

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I help you!

Iljana Eckardt

Head of Continuing Education